When a plant gained a new recognition Poem Nurturing growth is reminding you that you don’t have to be perfect to care for something meaningful, whether it’s a plant, a dream, or a relationship. With patience, attention, and constant effort,…
Yes, I have scars My Strength in scars. This poem speaks to you intimately, doesn’t it? It’s about the scars you carry, the ones that remind you of broken dreams, unexpected life turns, and seemingly never-ending pain. It recalls times…
A POEM ON RESLIENCE This poem addresses you directly, focusing on times when life feels like a dream- full of light, growth, and beauty. It likens your trip to the sun rising, trees growing, and waves roaring with energy. But…
The Fragility of Trust : Betrayal and Altruism This poem is about how fragile a trust is. It feels like a reflection of your own thoughts and emotions. It refers to occasions when you’ve known someone for years and yet…
I wish – The pain of One-sided Love story The story of one sided love is truly painful. The hardest part is knowing you can’t force someone to love you back. She’s there, talking to you, chatting with your friends,…
A poem about new journey in love It is a heartfelt poem about love, commitment, and shared dreams. It captures the deep emotions of holding someone’s hand, supporting them through life’s challenges, and embarking on a new journey together. A…
After the Rain- Finding Strength beyond the pain Much like nature, life has cycles of rain and sunshine, thorns and blooms. We often face moments of struggle that seem endless, leaving us questioning when relief will come. But just as…
The Dark Side of humanity-A Flower’s Last Cry Innocence is often described as delicate and pure, like a blooming flower in a wild forest. But what happens when those meant to protect become the reason for pain? This poem, “Predators…
Poem by an Indian Writer- Be careful with your words BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR WORDSBe careful with your words!You don’t always need a weaponto kill someone. Be careful with your words!That might change the life…of someone. Be careful with your words!It can…
Unique Poem on Smile POEM ON SMILESmile… It brings hope in darkness. It gives courage in peril. It gives patience in affliction. It gives joy in agony. Its gives satisfaction,when you fall.It finds directionwhen you are lost.It helps you to calm down,When things are out…