A man sitting and enjoying the sunset

Morning Habit- Start Your Day with a Smile, Not Your Cell Phone

We live in an age where the first thing most people do upon waking is to check their cell phones. And why wouldn’t they? After all, they’ve been “disconnected” for seven to eight hours while sleeping—unless they’re among the few who check their phones even during the night.

It’s easy to understand why this habit forms. Cell phones have become like a man-made heart for many of us, a constant source of connection, information, and even comfort. What began as a tool for convenience quickly became something much larger—an extension of our daily lives.

But while technology has its benefits, too much of anything is harmful. This isn’t a rant against phones, though. My focus today is on what we should be doing to set ourselves up for a great day, before diving into the distractions of the digital world.



Take 10 Minutes for Yourself Every Morning

Before you reach for your phone after switching off your alarm, take a moment to do something simpler: smile.

Yes, smile. Smile deliberately, even if it doesn’t feel natural at first. Smile because you woke up to see another day. Smile as you think about the things you’ve achieved, no matter how small. Smile as you imagine the opportunities waiting for you in the hours ahead. If you slept well, smile about that, too.

There’s always a reason to smile, and if you take the time to find it, you’ll feel an incredible shift within yourself. It’s not just about the smile itself but about the mental picture of positivity and gratitude it creates.

Why Does This Matter?

The way we begin our day sets the tone for everything that follows. If you start by pouring positive thoughts into your mind, it becomes a form of mental nutrition. Just as the first meal of your day should be healthy, the first thoughts you feed your mind should also be nourishing.

A few minutes of gratitude can make all the difference. Be grateful for your breath, your body, and the ability to see another sunrise. Gratitude expands our lives, giving meaning and perspective.

These 10 minutes won’t cost you much time, but they will fuel your spirit for the rest of the day.

Morning habit- Smile and Start your Day

So, dedicate just 10 minutes at the start of your day to focusing on the positives. Smile and let your heart fill with gratitude. No matter how you felt the night before, don’t allow negative thoughts to dominate the start of a new day.

Think about it: If you can’t give yourself these 10 minutes, what else can you expect from life? This is the simplest, most powerful gift you can offer yourself daily—a moment of positivity, a breath of gratitude, and a smile.

Remember, while you can’t control the world around you, you can control how you think. And that’s where true power lies.

Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

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