Poem by an Indian Writer- Be careful with your words

Be careful with your words!
You don't always need a weapon
to kill someone.
Be careful with your words!
That might change the life...
of someone.
Be careful with your words!
It can get disastrous,
if it didn't go right.
Be careful with your words!
It might take away their hope
to shine.
Be careful with your words!
It can be the reason,
Someone starts hating himself.
Be careful with your words!
It might tarnish a dream,
which is beyond your vision.
If you can't encourage someone,
don't be someone to take their hope.
If you can't admire someone,
don't be a reason to let them break.
Giving is just not about giving money and wealth,
a few words of encouragement and faith will work.
Your words might let the unthinkable happen.
A person who was fragile yesterday,
might become someone,
you have never imagined.
Naseema Khatoon
Also, Read this powerful English Poem on how words can encourage someone- POEM-YOUR WORDS
Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

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