Change is permanent- The only thing that is permanent in life is the ‘change’. Sometimes, the change that has happened will be for your good and sometimes, you feel like that your life is going to be hell because of that change.

Change is nature’s law. You can not have any control over it. Things that are meant to happen will happen and sooner or later your life is going to get affected. Now your action is going to determine what your future is going to be. Crying and whining are the deeds of losers. Be a fighter of your life and stand for yourself.


Change is permanent.
Its nature's law.

It will happen
you want it or not.
It will happen
 you accept it or not.

And when it will happen,
your life will be on its mercy.

When you embrace it.
Your life will blossom like a flower.
Whose fragrance is 
witnessed by all.

And if you deny it
change will still occur.
And your life will face
the thunder.

Its your choice!

Embrace the change
and create opportunity.
Or deny the change
and become a history.

Naseema Khatoon


Sometimes we are so busy crying and complaining about the things that have gone that we overlook the opportunities it created. Embrace the change and have faith. God has better plans for you. Let him do his job and you do your job. When you will believe it, you will see the difference.

It’s not possible that you have the same kind of relationship with someone in your life throughout your life. Priorities changes with time and so does the relationship. And be ok with that. Every relationship or every situation in your life will teach you something, be it good or bad. It is always a new experience.


Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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