This poem tells how people have forgotten to live their life just to fulfill their basic needs. The poem in English focuses on unhappy people who are stuck in the monotony of life, they know they are unhappy, they are always cribbing but still not trying anything to make themselves free.

Poem- Crawling people with needs

When I looked out my window,
I saw crowd crawling with needs.
I could see dismay on their faces,
and they were living their lives
 with no peace..

They go to work,
complete their task.
But they have nothing
that keeps them apart.

Their energy is lost,
their health is gone.
It seems something,
really went wrong.

They surrendered their life,
beneath their needs.
Their life's passion
seems lost under the debris.

But they are so busy
that they couldn't see it.
Seems like their life's purpose
is just to breathe.

If you are not happy,
do something for yourself.
Just stop and think for sometime
Only you can help yourself.

Keep your greed of needs aside,
and think what actually you need.
Give your life one purpose,
where your supreme joy

Your life is a precious gift.
So live the life you want.
Ignite the flame of your passion
in your heart.
And see how your life 
turn around.

Naseema Khatoon

Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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