Poem- Few Scar is a short poem that shows the complexities of life. It gives you a life lesson where you force yourself not to retaliate or move out even if you have been showered with brutal words from your own people, just to maintain the peace in your life.
Something within you tells you, things can’t be the same, life won’t be the same, but still, you ignore it because you think, that’s the right thing to do. But by doing this you kill a part of yourself.
FEW SCARS Sometimes you don't know how to let go of things even if you want. How to heal your ruptured soul damaged by the brutal words from someone you have never imagined. You know they are not bad and they don't want to harm you but still, you find yourself detached. Forgive and forget you are unable to follow that. Maybe this is one of the situations which shows the complexities of life. You can't forget but still, you force yourself to ignore just to maintain peace in your life. Few wounds leave scars so deep that they seem fresh and new whenever you look back. Naseema Khatoon
Few Scar is a sad poem where you find yourself trapped in a situation where you are hurt by your own people and you want to forget that but are unable to do that. The wound is so deep that it left a scar and whenever you look back, it seems fresh like it happened yesterday.
You hurt yourself, again and again, thinking about that incident and even if you want, you can’t help yourself to come out from that pain. You are bound to stay with that incident because you know that he is your person and it was just the moment.

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Excellent Ƅlog post. I certainlу l᧐ve this site.
Кeep it up!