A man sitting and enjoying the sunset

A poem on faith, courage, patience, and hope.

I feel the fear sometimes,
I find myself lost.
The path that I had followed,
I somewhere lost.

I get dumbstruck sometime,
I wander here and there.
To find that hidden path,
My destiny lies where.

I get confused sometimes,
seeing so many ways.
Wonder which should I follow,
which won't let me astray.

Then I stop,
 and I ponder for a while.
Thought about the dreams,
That I had in my mind.

I will be lost I told myself,
no matter when I start..
But I have got the courage
to keep going,
and that keeps me apart.

Though, I am terrified,
but I won't stop.
I have a vision of my dreams,
That my future has got.

It's my life and it's my journey,
I owe it to make it large.
Leaving behind the conformity,
and to take my life's charge...

I choose to be different,
and to live the life I want.
To write my destiny,
and to be where I want.

No wonder! I will face failure,
No wonder! I will fall.
But! Nothing can stop me,
to reach where I belong.

The life I want to live tomorrow,
is ready to embrace me.
I just have to keep moving,
and my destiny will someday
 praise me.

Naseema Khatoon


Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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