Poem on a smile- This poem in English tells if you know how to smile at your problems nothing can defeat you. Smiling at your problems will give you strength and courage to survive and sustain and to think clearly.
You have no control over what life throws at you. But you can have control over how you react to it. Stay calm, composed, and smile. Nothing is better than having a smile on the face all the time.
Why do you smile so much? How can you always laugh? These are the questions, I am generally asked. I look myself in the mirror, whenever I am sad. I never like myself then because I look very bad and that makes more sad. When my heart breaks and tears roll down. When I find darkness all around. I smile, forgetting pain of my heart. It tells me, my identity is still intact. It gives me strength to face the new challenge. It gives me courage to persevere and sustain. When things get punishing and its difficult to bear. I smile and it tells me, there is more in me that I have to explore. When life throws problems Smile and embrace it. It will make your life look easy. And you will win it without feeling dizzy. Naseema Khatoon
Poem on a smile
I hope you like this short poem in English about ‘smile’. Keep smiling always because when you smile, you look at your best and also your heart takes a rest at the same time.

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