A girl enjoying the nature

Poem on dreams- This is a short poem in English saying that you have a hidden voice in yourself that will lead you to your greatness if you will listen to it and work on it. You just have to believe in yourself and give yourself a chance to fly without the fear of falling down.

You will never learn to fly if you won’t ignore the fear of falling.

Everybody can dream,
but few believe they can make it.
Follow your gut,
follow your heart
and one day
you will surely achieve it.

Life is amazing,
make it worth living.
Have a goal and purpose
and keep working on it
 forgetting everything.

You know yourself
better than the world around.
Listen to your heart,
listen to those words,
which are lost in the crowd.

Life of passion,
is the life you deserve.
Its every moment,
you owe yourself to love.

Open your eyes,
and take a step ahead.
You might  stumble,
you might fall,
but you will learn to
move forward.

Its your life's journey,
write it the way you want.
You have wings
and you can fly.
You can do anything
so don't deny it.

Write an interesting story,
which is worth reading for all.
You have greatness in yourself,
believe it and keep your dreams
 above all.

Naseema Khatoon

Poem on dreams

You can’t achieve your dreams if you won’t come out of your comfort zone and work on them. Have faith in yourself. Having faith in yourself is the first step towards achieving your goals.


Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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