Poem on life – Persistence, and Perseverance are the keys to achieving your dreams and goals in life. Everybody can dream but not everybody has the courage to stand for it and work for it.
It takes sleepless nights, numerous failures, discipline, and a strong work ethic to become something in life. In the beginning, you won’t see anything happening. At that time you need your self-belief, and patience to get through that situation.
This is the poem on life that asks you to have the courage to start something that your heart wants to do and be persistent to take it to the other side where your success will lie.
No matter how small you are, No matter how you are weak. Your courage and patience will take you to the peak. You are strong so have faith in yourself You will rise oneday just believe in yourself. You are different a person with a dream. You will find your own way. Like a river from a stream. Yes, you will feel the pain. But your efforts will never be in vain. Its the beginining of the new story where your weakness will become a history. Its not easy but not impossible as well. Hustle harder and see what miracle you can dwell. Your every step will be towards your growth. So, even if you fall, don't hesitate to crawl. Feel the pain and do it anyways. Be the star of your life, always twinkle always dazzle .. :) and keep the rest of the world aside..:) :) Naseema Khatoon
Poem on life
A person having dreams and goals in life is always motivated and energetic. He is passionate about things that he is doing and never considers his fall as a failure.

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