A beautiful tree

Poem on trees- This is a short poem in English that tells the ‘tree’ story. It tells us how fragile and weak it was in the beginning and how strong it became after being exposed to atrocities of life.

Yes! I was fragile.
Yes! I was weak.
I sprouted from the darkness,
where I was dumped for weeks.

Yes I was fragile..
with no strength at all.
Even a simple wind could blew me
and I was likely to fall.

But I stood up,
 again and again.
Having faith in myself,
 I kept me growing.
Beneath the sun, beneath the sky,
I went on flourishing.

You can feel the pain of my journey,
on my disgruntled body.
The every inch of my skin,
will tell you my story.

I  grew in summers,
I grew in winters,
and nothing could stop me.
My patience , my persistence
and my courage
gave me the strength
which sustained me.

I rosed and emerged,
holding myself up.
Its seems like it was yesterday,
when I couldn't stand 
all by myself.

Today is very different,
I enjoy the wind now.
I love its feel around me,
can't believe it once scared me.

I am strong and I am getting stronger.
with every passing day.
And now I support to many creatures
and they complete me
by the way. 

Naseema Khatoon

Poem on trees

This poem in English tells a tree story that you can easily relate to your lives.

If you want to start something new in your life, you will be very fragile and weak in the beginning. Your only strength at that time will be your strong determination and your persistence.

It takes time to learn something new, it takes time to develop something new, it takes time to become something. Give yourself that time before making any final decision.

Today you are weak and fragile but tomorrow will be yours if you learn to sustain and grow. The tree story gives us a life lesson. You will learn to enjoy the wind, you will learn to fight with the storm, all you have to do is let your roots develop and grow.


Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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