An artist painting the wall

Poem- The desire of the heart- This is a short poem that tells you to follow your heart and make a deliberate choice in life.

It happens sometimes but you don’t listen to it. It’s because you don’t understand that there is something wrong. In this busy life, you forget to listen to your heart…what it’s saying… what does it want… where does it want to breathe.

You live in a society where you tend to follow the trends which are happening around you. You rarely listen to your heart and see where your talent lies. And in case you want to listen to it you are suppressed by your dear ones who think your bright future lies somewhere else. And they think they know it better than you do.

Have you ever seen someone working in the office with no energy at all and you feel like he is dragging himself to work…?? It’s probably because they are doing something that they don’t enjoy. Their heart wanted to be someone else and they ended up becoming someone else. ‘Work’ should be something that you never feel like you are working. You should enjoy doing that.

You must have heard someone saying that they use to sing when they were in college, they used to act when they were in college but now things have changed. They are working now and they can’t involve themselves in all these kinds of activities because they have to be serious. They use to do it for fun.

 Life means having fun and joy in every moment. Everybody can’t sing nor everybody can act. You are gifted with a different talent that you should keep alive to add some extra flavor to your life. Bring that passion into your life and play the music that your heart wants to play. 🙂

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Poem- The desire of the heart

There are some music
that you want to play.
It's into your system
but you ignore it every day.

It peeps into your dreams
reminds you to trace.
Your forgotten desire
that nature has placed.

The call of your heart
when your eyes are closed.
The joy of your heart
when things are close.

The laughter that you feel
when you touch the string.
The feeling of fulfillment
like you feel the spring.

The content in your heart
that you never felt before.
The smile on your face
enlightens your core.

You are a different person
you have a different soul.
You are blessed with a gift 
that you need to explore.

Take out sometime
from your busy world.
And write a song
that brightens your world.

You are not a cattle,
that you follow the herd.
Take a leap of faith,
and enjoy the swirl.

The flower will blossom,
the stars will twinkle.
There will a passion 
and enthusiasm.
If you will follow
 the right direction.

Naseema Khatoon


With this poem in English, the writer wants to say that you should follow your heart. Figure out the thing that brings the real smile on your face when you do that, that revives your energy, that makes you happy. It can be singing, painting, dancing, exercising, writing… It can be anything.

Add that thing to your life. It’s going to add a new direction. If you are happy, you are more likely to succeed. So just don’t ignore it because you are occupied and you don’t have time for that.

Writing makes me happy and whenever I finish a poem or an article it achieves a sense of accomplishment. I am happy and contented the whole day and I perform better at my work as well.

Follow your heart

Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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