Poem- The flower in the desert- This is a short poem in English that tells you, that you have to have ‘why’ in your mind if you want something in your life. Why you have started this journey? How your life will change if you achieve that dream.
It is because you are going to face many turbulence, many difficulties in the process. You might feel like giving up. At that time this ‘why’ will act as a light in the darkness. It will compel you to keep on going, keep on standing up and keep on striving.
Have a ‘why’ in your life and connect with it emotionally. You are not going to give up no matter what happens next.
FLOWER IN THE DESERT If you want to survive, in the darkness of your life. And its your desire to sail, even when cloud is high. Your boat is trembling, your heart is sinking. And your hold to the paddle, is constantly slipping. You are in middle, where there is no returning back. Either you die or you dive, these are the only options.. you have. Hold that paddle, with the courage you had. That forced you to jump, even when the weather was bad. You had a desire, keep that burning. You will get the strength, that will keep you sailing. You will come alive, though weather is bad. You will learn how to dive, just don't forget to strive. Flower in the desert, tells you a story. You can grow anywhere, if you have seen your glory. Nature will guard you, it will give you the strength. No wonder how weak you are today, you will learn how to run. Naseema Khatoon

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I like your poems very much .
Thankyou Danish. I am glad to hear it. 🙂