Poem on falling and then rising. The poems say if you are striving for something big in your life, which is going to give your life a new meaning and new direction, don’t give up if you fall. Your goal should be above all.

A girl walking
When you stumble,
strolling down your way.
Smile and move forward,
its just part of your life any ways.

Be focused towards your goal,
no matter how adverse things are.
And in case if you fall,
your dream should be above all.

Ups and down are life's nature
you can't take it away.
But you can change your projection,
then happiness will embrace you
 all the way.

Falling down and then getting up,
you've learnt it, since your were kid.
This nature is inside you,
you just have ignite it again. 

Let the flame to achieve your goals,
enlighten your heart always.
And you keep on striving, keep on burning,
and live this life your way.

Naseema Khatoon

Poem- When you Stumble


Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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