Fight with yourself- This is a short poem in English that tells you, you have to fight with yourself if you want to bring a change in your life, to become someone that you always admired. And it’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be you v/s you. And if you won’t surrender, your victory will find you.

You can be the same as you were always. But you have to fight with yourself to become something that you admire always. Change needs, your constant dedication. Accept your flaws without hesitation. To work on yourself day and night. To have the courage to start from zero. When things don't go right. When see yourself drowning still you don't give you. You put your life at stake and you don't step back. You fight for your worth. And that fight is with yourself. Either you win or you lose It will be only you, who will be hurt! You have to kill yourself again and again. To unleash the power within you. Its there, its right there. Just believe in yourself and it will find you. Naseema Khatoon
If you want to change yourself for something good, you need perseverance and hardwork. This journey will be full of thorns and unpredictability. This journey might break you many times and you feel like a failure. But always remember that ‘WHY’ that compelled you to start.
It will be the fight for your recognition, for your self-belief, and for your worth. So don’t stop until you win. Don’t let outer-world noises affect your determination. If you lose, only you will be affected.

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