Her Dream to fly

Short Story- Her dream to fly.

“Few people are so lucky that they find peace in their life. They are contented where ever they are. Probably they don’t see themselves anywhere and so there is no hassle in their life. They are flowing with the wind. Where ever the wind is taking them they are going happily. There is no fight in their life” Rishika said in a very thoughtful tone.

 “Why can’t I be one of them. Why can’t I be satisfied where I am? Why do I feel my life has to be different? Why can’t I be like my brother, like my sister who is joyfully accepting the thing that life is giving to them? Why do I have to be a rebellion? Why…?” Rishabh could hear the pain in her voice.

“You know my family members say my dreams are unreasonable. They say whatever vision I have for myself, happens in the movie only. It’s far beyond reality. I should have my feet on the ground because that’s where they belong. We had been a working-class people, we will be a working-class, people. So don’t try to fly in the sky or else you will fall terribly. The sooner I will realize this fact, the happier I will be.” Her red face was telling the story of her heart.

“But for me! I want to have my feet on the ground but before that, I want to fathom the sky. I want to be an eagle in the sky who has no fear of height. I know I am meek today, fragile today, and can be easily blown by the wind. But in my dreams, I have already fathomed the sky. I want to reach there where I have already reached in my dreams. I don’t know from where it came in my heart that I am different. Why can’t I settle for something less? Why…?” She had so many questions. Probably she needed someone to listen to her at that time.

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 I want to be an eagle in the sky who has no fear of the height.

” I want to make the hospital in the name of my mother since I was a child. I use to scribble that whenever I had a pen in my hand. I do it even today. Isn’t it funny!” She smiled. “I was in 8th or 9th at the time. Don’t know from where it entered my mind. Earlier I thought it was a just random thought but later I found it got stuck in my mind and I know I won’t be happy if I won’t see it happening.” Rishika pondered.

 “None of my family members ever believe I can do it. Obviously, why would they do so? I don’t have anything to show them right now and they can’t see what is there in my vision. They don’t have the same image as I have of myself. Yes, today I don’t know how will I make it. My path is not easy. I don’t have money. I have no experience. I have nothing. But the joy, the contentment that I will face after reaching my goals forces me to follow the path. It forces me to walk on the harsh road, having thorns all over and I am continuously bruising my feet. But I don’t want to stop because I want to face the victory but because I want to have that feeling, the joy of seeing my vision into reality. It has become my desire. Am I being unreasonable?” She asked me. But I knew she didn’t need an answer.

Before listening to my answer she continued-” It doesn’t matter where you are today, but where you are heading that counts. I read it somewhere. It resonates with me. Somebody like me had written this for himself I guess to motivate himself. I believe no dream is too big that it can’t be achieved in one life. But following your dreams is not easy. You need motivation every day. And you know, words are so powerful. When I write anything positive it brings energy to me. I feel like it is meant to happen. I feel special, I feel unique. I feel like I can be an eagle who wears the crown of his victory and proudly rules the sky.”

 It doesn’t matter where you are today, but where you are heading that counts

 She looked into my eyes and said ” Unless I shoot for the moon, I will never land among the stars. So I have to take a stand for myself because I only have one life. Yeah! If I will be reincarnated that will be a bonus point.” She laughed. “I think only a few people get this vision and I should be happy and contented that I am trying to stand out from the herd. I believe one should be contented with what they have in life but never with what they can achieve. I have to learn how to be happy in the current situation and how to keep myself motivated to keep my burning desire alive.” She looked happy now.

But the joy, the contentment that I will face after reaching my goals forces me to follow the path.


Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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