Short Story of an Intruder

Short Story of an Intruder- This is a short funny story about when I was alone and I faced an unwanted creature running on the walls of my room and I was my only help!

I had a rough day today. Feeling a bit low, so I was giving myself a pep talk. I am a brave girl. I can do anything. I am awesome whatever positive thing was coming to my mind I was saying that loudly.  And then it started working. I started feeling better. Suddenly I felt something running on the wall at lightning speed from the mirror. I gave a heroic turn to catch that speed and yeah!! I got it. 

She stopped and looked at me. I paused and looked at her. We had eye contact. She raised her head. I guess she nodded at me, mumbling yeah baby!! Finally, you saw me. I have been hidden in your place for a long long time. But who cares what she was thinking? My heartbeat stopped for a while. The courage, the feel-good factor, all that I gained from my pep talk flew away in a fraction of a second.

And I was standing, trembling with fear, with uncontrollable goosebumps attack wondering, how the hell did she enter my apartment, and how am I gonna throw it out? I felt so lonely, so helpless.

This is the time I miss my father the most. He takes care of everything even before I utter a word. He is the best person I have known in this world. I love him so much. And I am missing him a lot right now.

But missing him won’t chuck that hideous lizard out of my room….iii sssh… uttering the word ‘lizard’ is giving me goosebumps…I am going to call it Lizzie for now. And this is my fight and I have to make it right. My God!! The baby poet within me never stops!!

People say that’s a small creature. it’s not scary. It would have been scared, seeing your gigantic size in fact. It won’t do anything to you. blah blah blah… Well, that poor creature and I can’t be friends ever. That poor creature bit me with its venomous teeth and tried to kill me once.

Though it was not powerful enough to kill me, still I found myself in the hospital laying on the bed with my sweet worried pg friends around, and also had to bear two consecutive injections. It was terrible.

Whenever I tell this story to anyone I don’t know why people don’t believe it. In fact, the doctor in the hospital put a lot of effort to believe the fact that I was bitten by a lizard. Did I check my surrounding…?? There should have been something else! People ask me these questions many times.

Well yeah!! Here is the revelation! Actually, I was famished and I couldn’t find human blood to satiate my hunger and so I tasted my own blood. Yeah, the fact is I am a vampire and I blamed that poor creature for hiding my identity. Now you all know the truth… >_<

The problem with girls is that they have many things… n number of bags… n number of clothes… n number of footwear… n numbers of everything… Though they have a remarkably small room… luxuriously small cupboard but their hunger for new things… new footwear … new clothes .. never dies.

The heart appears in their eyes when they see a beautifully crafted new thing and there it orders them to buy it though their pocket doesn’t allow it. But who cares. And the market knows this weakness of a girl that’s why I guess there are so many beautiful things for girls and not for boys…

I am no different girl here. I have n… number of everything and they are scattered in my room because my closet stomach is full and it has no room for any other new thing. Now the problem arises that creepy Lizzie can hide anywhere she wants behind any of my things and will scare me whenever she wants.

And I am not ready to live my life in fear. I would rather like to face the terror for once and kill it than have fear in my heart always. So I took the broom in hand and got ready for the fight.

Whenever I look at Lizzie I feel she is around me. Even a small noise from the paper scares me. What if she got a company here?What if she is chilling out with her friends here? What if she was playing hide and seek with her boyfriend?

There has to be this technology where everything (material) gets disappears when you want it via a simple remote. By this, I can easily see any creature in my room and show its way out.

Well, I should stop dreaming. These invention people are busy making rockets and robots. They are busy finding a solution to harness solar energy. They will never understand my emotions…!! I am my only help here…

I gave myself a pep talk. I am not scared of Lizzie! I can kick her out without any effort! Yes, I can do it. And here I go. Taking the broom in my hand, standing away from Lizzie as far as I can, yelling hush… hush… I guess that ugly Lizzie got the fact that I am scared of her. She started wagging her tail right and left in the air, raised her head, twisted herself, and changed her color.

In short, she started giving a stunt scene right in front of my eyes and that stopped my heartbeat for a few seconds. And after that, I screamed and screamed and screamed. Something happened! A miracle…!!

That creepy lizard followed her path from where she came. She ran away. I stood there holding my breath for a few seconds and checked if she was gone. Finally, I made it. All by myself.
Feeling overwhelmed with my victory…

Yes, I am a brave girl…Yes, I can do anything… Yes, I am awesome… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ …

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A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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  1. Lol lol lol that was hilarious..n u r right..they r more scared of U than U r by them..n yes i remember u got bit by it once..still cant believe it πŸ˜›

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