Making promises

A short story of a woman who loved someone so much that she fought with her own family to spend her life with him. But something happened that shook her from inside. She felt that she didn’t know him anymore. Read the story to find out more.

Short story of an independent woman.

She couldn’t understand what next to do and whom to talk to. She was helpless. More helpless when things were against her and she was trying really hard to make it happen.

“You have plenty of time my dear. Think of all the aspects and then make a decision. We will be with you always.”The words of her mom echoed in her ears.  

“How am I going to face my father now? What am I going to tell him? How can you put me in this condition Nishant.” Trisha sobbed.  

Trisha was an independent girl staying away from her family for almost 10 years. She was working in an IT company and was in a good position. And why wouldn’t she be? She worked very hard to get to this position.

She was in a relationship with a boy from school. It was a childish love initially but with time it grew stronger. They both loved each other. She did MBA and the boy did B.Tech from a different college. Though it was a long-distance relationship nothing could take away the charm of their love.

After 5 years of long separation, Nishant and Trisha finally got a job in the same city and after that, they started meeting almost every day. It was really a happy time for both of them which continued for almost four years.

Trisha was an Indian girl. And in India, if a girl crosses age 26 and is still single, the whole of India starts getting worried about her marriage. And here Trisha just celebrated her 28th birthday.

She started getting pressure from her family about marriage and now it was high time for her to tell her parents about Nishant.   She waited this long because she knew there will a huge issue from her parent’s side because of the difference in caste and her father was an orthodox. But, now, she couldn’t ignore the topic anymore.

Though his father had heard about Nishant from her he didn’t know he was the boy his daughter wanted to marry.   Things were clear from Nishant’s side. His parents liked Trisha a lot. They started considering her as their family member.

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“Papa I want to marry Nishant.” One day, after so many days Trisha gathered courage and told his father about Nishant. That day was really heavy for her. 

His father reacted the same way as expected. “I trusted you Trisha and you are showing me this day. I went against everybody and sent you to college because I cared for your happiness and you are telling me that you want to marry someone who is lower than our caste, who doesn’t have a permanent job, and whose position in society is lower than us. Where did I go wrong? I never thought I would hear something like this from you.”

Trisha could feel his father’s disappointment from his words.   “Papa, he is a nice guy. Very sincere and very caring. I will be happy with him. Trust me. And I won’t do anything against your will…………………”  

They had a huge conversation that day, but nothing went in favor of Trisha. And after that, each day brought new turmoil for her. She was agitated and full of trepidation. She couldn’t concentrate on her work and was becoming fragile day by day.

She tried everything to convince her father but nothing was working. She was becoming a sad person. Though Nishant tried to cheer her up, she lost her inner happiness because her dear father was upset with her.

Meanwhile, her parents brought a few good proposals but she refused all of them. She was adamant about marrying Nishant but also with his parent’s permission at the same time.

After four years of long wait finally, Trisha’s parents surrendered in front of their daughter. They were still upset but they realized Nishant was Trisha’s happiness and so they accepted him. Finally, after so many years Trisha smiled without any tension.

Things were working fine and they started preparing for the marriage.   “Mr. Devnath, we want 20 lakh cash and one car as a gift and if you want to give some other thing to your daughter you are most welcome. I know she is your only daughter and you won’t disappoint us. Also, it will be very helpful if you will buy some furniture for our new house that we made for your daughter. I hope you understand”

Words of Nishant’s father blew Mr. Devnath’s (Trisha’s father) mind. He was completely shocked and didn’t know what to speak next.   “What! They are asking for dowry!” Trisha was flabbergasted.

When Trisha heard this from her mother she was shocked and perplexed at the same time. She knew Nishant for a long time now and knew he would never come up with this thing ever. He loved her more than anything in this world and she was really sure about that.

“Your father is really worried beta. Had it been someone else, he would have directly refused and would have never looked back at him again. But he couldn’t do that because he loves his daughter.”

Trisha was still shocked and didn’t know what to say. She wanted to talk to Nishant as soon as possible. She nodded silently, held her cell phone, and left the room.

“Do you know about the dowry that your parents have asked from my father?” She asked as soon as she heard Nishant’s voice. “How could he ask something like that from my father. You can’t even imagine how embarrassing it was for me when I heard this from my mother!” She said without letting him speak.

“Yes, I am aware of that and why are you shocked? Aren’t you aware of how our society works? I am the only son of my parents and they have some expectations. What is wrong with that. Don’t call it dowry, consider it a gift from your parents.” Nishant was so calm as it was obvious for him.

“See I have many marriage proposals and they are offering a lot than what our parents are asking. And in fact, if your marriage was happening with some else then your parents would have given this amount without any hesitation. I know this is common in your family too.”

Trisha was dumbfounded listening to something like that from the person whom she loved a lot. She didn’t know what to say after that. She wanted to spend her life with him and waited and fought a lot to make it happen.

Trisha was one independent girl who was earning more than what Nishant was earning. She always opposed dowry and despised people who involved themselves in such activity. And Nishant was aware of that. But still, he didn’t stand for her.

“Don’t make a big deal. It’s for our bright future…………………….” She couldn’t listen to anything more from Nishant and disconnected the phone.

She felt like she didn’t know Nishant anymore. She stood against her family for him. And now she didn’t know how to face them.

There were tears in her eyes. She felt very weak and fragile. There was a war between her mind and her heart. And she didn’t know who was going to win…………….

Naseema Khatoon

Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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