
The power of Sowing and Reaping

We’ve all heard this quote from childhood—if you do something bad to others, you’ll get bad in return. If we treat others cynically, we can’t expect kindness in return, and vice versa.

But this law of sowing and reaping isn’t just about how we treat others.

If we plant good thoughts in our minds in the morning—whether by listening to uplifting people or reading 15-20 pages of an encouraging book—we’ll carry that positivity throughout the day. This will give us the enthusiasm and passion to face the challenges ahead.

In short, we cultivate a beautiful and uplifting day by sowing positive thoughts in the morning. It’s not that hard to do, right?

You can’t expect to enjoy mangoes if you plant cactus in your garden.

In school, we were taught that reading the newspaper in the morning is the best way to start your day, keeping you informed about what’s happening in the world. As a diligent student, I followed this advice, and soon it became a habit.

But now, I’ve realized that starting my day with a newspaper isn’t always a good idea. It’s often full of negative and troubling news that lingers in my mind and affects my mood throughout the day. These days, the stories I hear can be so disturbing that they disrupt my peace of mind and make the day feel unproductive.


The Power of Sowing and Reaping

“Sowing seeds of gratitude and kindness in your mental garden allows you to reap the fruits of happiness, following the natural law of life.”

Here’s where another aspect of the law of sowing and reaping comes into play:

You won’t reap if you don’t sow.

If you forget to plant seeds, nothing will grow. It’s the same with our minds. How can we expect to see beautiful things in our lives if we neglect to plant positive, empowering thoughts?

You need to remind yourself every day: “I am smart, I am beautiful, I am courageous.” Even if you believe it deep down, saying it to yourself reinforces these truths. It shapes how you carry yourself, making you feel more confident and capable.

Whenever I feel anxious, I look in the mirror and tell myself: “I can do this. I will get through this. This situation will make me stronger.” This pep talk may not solve the problem instantly, but it gives me the strength to face it with courage.

If I neglect to sow positive thoughts, I may still solve the problem, but the determination to overcome it won’t be as strong.

If you forget to sow something, weeds will take over the entire space—unwanted and uncontrollable, they can ruin your garden.

You reap more than you sow.

A single positive thought about how awesome you are in the morning can set the tone for your entire day. You’ll breeze through challenges because you know you’re capable and resilient.

Sow this seed every morning and before you go to sleep, so you’re even a warrior in your dreams. 🙂



There are countless examples of sowing and reaping in life. But the most important takeaway is this: our mind is a garden, and our attitude is the seed. If we maintain a positive attitude, we will eventually see positive results.

Like a tree, nothing grows in a day. You have to plant the seed, nurture it through all seasons, protect it from harm, and in time, you will see it grow.

We must be mindful of what we are sowing in our minds. Both good and bad thoughts will grow and amplify, whether we want them to or not. Sometimes, during hard times, we have to force ourselves to believe that everything will be alright. Otherwise, negative thoughts—like weeds—will take over because weeds don’t need favorable conditions to grow; they just do.

This law of sowing and reaping applies to many areas of life—building relationships, succeeding at work, and getting good grades. First, decide what you want to harvest, and then plant the seeds accordingly.

“When you sow seeds of a positive attitude in your mental garden, you reap the abundant harvest of joy and success, aligning with the law of life.”

Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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