Why are you feeling down and feeling helpless?

Life lesson- A girl asking for help

Imagine you are sitting in a room and the electricity goes off and you don’t have anything to light up your surrounding. Not even your cell phone.

What happens after that? There is darkness all around. You couldn’t see anything. You feel like you will falter or you might fall if you will try to move. So you sit there waiting for the electricity to come.

But, have you ever noticed after some time you start seeing things? Very blurry image but you could feel what’s there in your surrounding. You can move now without falling toward the light.

What does this mean? Can you relate this to your life? Yeah, it’s just a simple example but it has a deep meaning and you will only understand when you will sit and ponder for some time.

What if you have closed your eyes because you are afraid of darkness? But if you have panicked because you feel suffocated without light. In both cases, you couldn’t have figured out any way out because you are too busy whining.


And when you feel helpless you become helpless. It’s bitter but it’s the reality.

No matter how hard the situation is, there is always a way out. And sometimes things even get better when you stay there with open eyes, embrace the situation, take responsibility, and put all your efforts to make things right.

Closing your eyes, shrugging off from responsibilities, and whining when things go bad, is a sign of a loser. Any turbulence in your life is not going to stay there forever. This is nature’s law. But that turbulence will determine your fate.

If you will fight back, you will emerge as a warrior throughout your life but if you get terrified and surrender under harsh circumstances you will cringe forever.

The choice is yours… 

Why are you feeling down?

Why are you feeling down

Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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