A-clock-showing-the-relevance-of-time. Change-is-inevitable-change-is-permanent
An image of clock showing the relevance of time,

Change is permanent! Embrace change to bring positivity in life. It’s possible that you might wonder ‘why change is permanent’ or why change is the only permanent thing in this world? If you are curious to know about this and how your life gets affected by it then keep reading the blog post.

1.Change is permanent

Change is bound to happen whether you want it or not and you have no control over that. Change is the only permanent thing that happens constantly. And that is why change is permanent.

A great Greek philosopher ‘Heraclitus’ once said “there is nothing permanent except change” and “everything flows, and nothing stands still.” Undoubtedly these lines are evergreen and they will always fit in whatever phase of life you are in.

There is nothing permanent except change


2.Embrace change to bring positivity in life

Always believe that something good is about to happen.

Change is inevitable. Things that are meant to happen, will happen. And no matter what you do, you cannot outrun them. So embrace it, because change is permanent. By doing this you will have positivity in life.

I faced a drastic change in my life after marriage. Earlier, I had no responsibilities but to take care of my work and myself. It took me some time to adapt and to embrace the new life. But I was happier once I accepted it and let myself go with the flow. So either you procrastinate about the things which are inevitable or you embrace them and mold your life according to them, the choice is yours.

From childhood to teenage, from teenage to adulthood, and from adulthood to old age, the change is inevitable. And you cannot turn back time and bring your most desirable phase back but the best thing you can do at that time is to embrace the change and make the best of it.

3.Enjoy every phase of life

Be happy, not because that everything is good, but you can see the good side of everything.

Some people cry that they have grown. They love their childhood a lot and want to go back to that time where they lived their life freely. I have heard many people crying & missing their college life and just whining about their professional life.

But they forget that their childhood had many restrictions and many challenges like taking permission for everything, cannot do things on their own, and many more. And people who whine about their job and want their college life back forget the main purpose of entering college. Their purpose to go to college was to learn, to stand on their own feet, to learn to make money, and to learn to take responsibility.

Every phase in life is important. Enjoy that phase. Live and love every moment that life is proposing or sharing with you. And you will find everything right on track.

4.Be prepared to learn new things

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one stop you.

Jeremiah Say

Expected or unexpected change is going to happen in your life. Be in your professional world, your personal world, because like we all know, change is permanent.

Motherhood itself is a huge responsibility and I am still trying to manage my personal and professional life. My son is only 15months old and getting time to work when he is up is like a dream come true.

Maintaining a balance between the two is difficult and I am learning a lot of things about how to save my energy and time so that I can focus & how to double my efficiency. I cannot compromise with my career and I don’t want to run away from the joy of being a mother.

I remember those days when I faced problems getting up early in the morning, but today there is no such issue for me. If the work demands I am up around 4 a.m. in the morning without any anguish.

It’s better you accept the fact that your life is not the same and mold your schedule according to it because whether you want it or not, if something changes, it will affect you, and if you are not ready for it, it will affect you badly. The choice will always be yours.

Change is permanent. Love the change that life is offering to you. It will bring positivity in life

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5. It is an opportunity for Growth

We can not become what we want to be, by remaining what we are.

Max Depree

When I started my practicing career as an Architect and Interior Designer I didn’t know a lot of things. I only knew how to make good drawings but didn’t know how to coordinate on-site, how to finalize the right materials, how to find the right clients, how to convert the deal, etc. I had to learn so many things at that time and it is still an ongoing process.

The options that time I had, was to give up on my dreams of starting my own practicing career as an Architect and Interior Designer and go back to the regular job again or to make this change as an opportunity for growth.

I took the second option and my life since then has been very gratifying. There were ups and downs and there will be ups and downs but I am satisfied to see my growth and hopeful that things will be better in the future. Today, I am growing as an individual, I am becoming better day by day and I am more confident than I was earlier and there is a lot more to come.

6.Priorities of people will not be the same

If you want to fly, give up everything that weights you down.


It’s not possible that you have the same kind of relationship with someone in your life throughout your life. Priorities changes with time and so does the relationship. And be ok with that. Every relationship in your life will teach you something, be it good or bad. It is always a new experience.

Yes, when you see someone very close to you changing, it’s difficult to adapt and embrace. But that’s how things work and there is nothing bad in it. Take your grieving time and then move on. I believe if something happens in your life, it happens for a reason, so have faith and be positive about it.


You must tell yourself, no matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, I am going to make it.

Les Brown

Things that are meant to happen will happen and you cannot have control over that. It’s better if you are prepared for that.

Yes, you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow but subconsciously train your mind that whatever happens, you will make the best of it. It’s the only choice you have. Procrastinating will lead you nowhere but having a positive attitude will help you to grow, learn and embrace the things that life will be offering. It will add positivity to life.

While entering adulthood you are learning to take responsibilities. While doing the job, you are working to earn money and to have control over life, and while growing old you are gaining experiences. You are learning at every stage of life so adapt to the change and move on. It will make you happy and a better person than you were before.

Yesterday she liked the wind, today entangle her hair…

Its just the matter of eyes… its just the matter of time.

Naseema Khatoon
A short poem in English about time

That is all for today’s post. I hope you like the article. What’s your take on changing things in life? If you like the post or if you have something to say, write it down in the comment section below.

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Check out my book ‘THE TREE AND THE WIND’ on Kindle

A book of poem
Inspirational and motivational poem
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