reasons I have quit my job. Two people enjoying their own company with any tension like they have attained freedom.

I had no plan but still, I quit my job. Quitting my regular work and coming out of my comfort zone was not an easy decision to make but still, I followed my heart and quit my regular job as an architect.

Why did I quit my job as an Architect…?

I was working as an architect for like three years. I was financially independent and was earning a decent amount of money. But still, I decided to quit my job as an Architect and pursue my dreams of starting a practicing career as an architect and interior designer.

It was not an easy decision to make. I was scared like hell but still I took this plunge. 

There were many questions running in my mind at that time.

Should I quit my job as an architect…?

Will I be ok if I quit my job…?

Is it bad if I quit my job….??

See, if you are working for a while and you are financially independent, then it takes a lot of courage to do something which is beyond your comfort zone.

I was really petrified and scared at that time. Nobody approved my decision of leaving my regular stable job and get into the world of uncertainty where I wasn’t sure how long will take to get into my current situation.

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Before taking up this decision, I discussed it with many people who were important in my life. Nobody supported my decision of quitting a job because they thought it was a bad time to make such an attempt.

According to them, nothing was in my favor. The market was down, real estate was down, I had no money to set up an office,………. etc, etc. Even my family members, my parents couldn’t agree with the decision. They wanted me to get married before I take any such step.

Staying in Delhi.. away from my hometown and being financially independent for more than two years, actually, quitting the job all of a sudden without any back-up was a really… really hard decision for me to make.

I could easily see, situations won’t be the same if I left the job. But still, my heart wanted to take up that chance of quitting my regular job and so I took this plunge. 

Not to forget, only one person at that time supported my decision. A good friend of mine at that time and now my husband… :). He told me, Naseema if you really want this thing, give yourself a chance.  Probably I wanted to hear that and within a week I mailed a resignation letter.

There were four compelling reasons that pushed me to quit my job and start my practicing career as an architect and interior designer. Here I am going to share those four reasons with you all.

1-Quit my job to start a practicing career.

Like any other architectural student, I too had a dream to start my practicing career as an architect and interior designer. I didn’t know how, but deep down I really wanted to take up this chance.

In the beginning, I told myself that, Naseema you will be working for like 2.5 years to gain some experience and after that, you will pursue your dreams. I incepted the same idea in my mind so hard and so deep that when the same time passed the peace of my life was lost.

There was a struggle between my heart and my mind. I was in my comfort zone and my mind was not ready to take that scary step. My heart wanted to follow my dreams and my mind continuously chided my heart’s decision.

Everybody needs motivation, everybody needs some kind of inspiration. It leads to self-improvement, self-growth, and self-discovery. A day with a positive mindset will lead to personal success.

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2-Not doing the work that I wanted

The second most important thing that happened in my life at that time and also I am really grateful that it happened was that I was not doing the kind of work that I really wanted in my office. I am not saying I was miserable. My job was fine, but it was not challenging.

I always dreamt to be a designer, an Architect, and Interior Designer who gets an opportunity to design. But when I was working as an employee, I never got any such opportunity.

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I am really grateful that I took that plunge because today I have designed bungalows, offices and also have done interiors of residences, showrooms and I know many more to come. It’s a great learning experience and I am really loving it.

I wanted to be known as an Architect and Interior Designer, not a drafting person who is constantly doing the same thing that she was doing 2 years back. 

Many people are ok with this, but for me it was terrible. I wanted job satisfaction. I wanted to do something where I can see myself growing and so this became a most important and compelling reason for me to quit my job.

3. Pressure of marriage

I had already crossed 25 years of my life. And in India (not sure about other countries), if a girl crosses 25 years of her life, everybody gets worried. My father was having a sleepless night and this is not funny… actually he was having a sleepless night. 

My neighbors have also started talking and my relatives were getting heartaches, so this became another compelling reason for me to quit my job.

I wanted to give my career some time before I get into a totally different journey where my life will be full of responsibilities from which I cannot run.

I knew if I will quit my job I had to give my mind some time to settle down and relax because it is going to be a weary path. And later on, I found, it was the right decision. Things were really not easy after I quit my regular job. Though I had everything I needed, at that time the tension of my future and my career made me paranoid.

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4-My desire to have a balanced life

I always desired to have a life where I can have control over things. I knew I was going to have a family in the future and I wanted to have a balance between my work and my professional life.

Today, I am a blessed mother of a son who going to be of 15 months on this 15th July. Things would have been very difficult if I had a regular job. I had to leave my son to creche and wouldn’t have been happy about that.

Today, I am enjoying every phase. He has already learned to walk and started speaking few words, like Mumma, Papa…. and seeing him growing every day is really gratifying. I am here next to him all the time. And it happened because I took the decision to quit my regular job and start something new.

These were the four reasons because of which I quit my regular job as an architect.

A book of poem

Check out my book,ย โ€˜The Tree and the Windโ€™. You will find a lot of poems here which will inspire you and will motivate you to keep on moving forward. Do check-out. It’s wonderful..:D You will love it.. .:D


If you are someone who wants to quit the regular job to pursue your dreams and if you ask me, I will ask you to follow your heart. You have only one life, this is your only chance, your life deserves that chance. You deserve that chance.

Live your life with courage and follow your dreams. Yes, it will be a weary path, you are going to fail, but that’s the beauty of your journey. It’s going to leave a memory at which you will laugh when you will look back.

But if you get terrified and scared and you take a step back, thinking what if you fail, you will never know what you can achieve. You will never know what potential you have unless you give yourself a shot. So enjoy the process of becoming something.

Try before you surrender.

Failure is better than regrets…..

Failure is better than regrets.

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Stay happy… Stay safe and stay healthy.

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Bye bye.. ๐Ÿ™‚

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